The first thing we will do is draw a circle for the head, then draw the shapes for her shoulders. Add the guidelines for the face, neck and torso.
Using the circle you just drew in step one, begin sketching out the actual shape or structure of Queen Tara's face. This should also include the shape of her ear.
Draw the hair line which should also be some of the hair in a combed back style. Draw the eyelids, nose, and top lip line. Add some detailing inside her ear too.
Finish sketching out her eyes, then draw in the rest of her lips to complete her mouth. Lastly for this step draw the eyebrows and eyelashes.
Now that Queen Tara's face is done, we can proceed on with drawing the rest of her. Start this step by drawing the shape of her long neck, then draw the shoulders. Add the collar line on her neck for the top of her dress.
Finish drawing her head by making the hairstyle. Her hairdo looks like deep strands that flow in the same direction to the back of her head.
Draw the opening of her top, and then draw the lining on the sides of her torso. This is the design of the dress she wears. The entire front part of the dress has her skin or chest showing.
Sketch out the wavy pattern of the bust line like so, then sketch out the cleavage, and the striped pattern for the dress. Erase the mistakes before drawing the pattern because it will be hard to do so after.
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December 21, 2012
Description: So here is another character from the new film that will be coming out soon called 'Epic'. She is what you call Mother Nature, or Mother Earth. Today we will learn "how to draw Queen Tara", step by step. She will be voiced by Beyoncé Knowles which means there may be a song or two. Anyways, she is a very pretty character that has a very important part or role in the movie, but unfortunately I don't know what that is yet. All I can go on is what I see from video clips and movie stills. I didn't want to draw her full figure because she will be a little tricky to replicate. I sometimes find that the simplest looking characters can be some of the hardest ones to draw. I don't think that will be the case with this tutorial, but you never know. All you have to do is begin drawing Queen Tara until you have succeeded all the way. I shall return with more lessons for you all so stay tuned in. Peace people!