You will begin by drawing a tear drop shape with three chunks sticking out from the top of the head.
You will end this tutorial by finishing Pucchi. All you have to do is draw the arms, legs, hands and feet. Or maybe I should say fists instead of hands.
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December 22, 2012
Description: Look at that adorable face as this video game character stands there like a tough hot shot looking like he's ready to rumble. Up next, we will be drawing Pucchi, step by step. This egg shaped character is from the upcoming video game Ni no Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch. Now because he is from that particular game, I will not be giving you a bio on him because there is none as of yet. When the day draws closer to the release date of the game, more information will be found on Pucchi. One thing is certain, he is definitely going to be easy to replicate which means you should breeze through drawing Pucchi. The coloring is the best part because it's just three colors to complete the drawing. Well, that's it for now. I will be back in a bit with more for you all so stay tuned in. Adios mi amigos.