How to Draw Pichu from Pokemon

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Okey-dokey, first draw out the basic guidline. Draw a circle or oval shaped thingy for the head. Draw curves and lines for the face guidlines. Sketch out lines for the direction of the ears, body and arms and legs. When your done, move to the next st   


Now, outline and shape out the ears. Draw one circle and one half circle to show the red cheeks. The red cheeks are where the electricity come from. Draw a little nose. Shape out the body.


Draw a couple of lines on the ears to separate the coloring. Draw the arms and feet.


Draw a couple of lines on the ears to separate the coloring. Draw the arms and feet. and the tail


Now we start of the face. Draw the eyes and the cute open mouth. Draw a seris of lines connected to separate coloring. Erase a bunch of lines you don't need and move on to the final step.


Here is your basic outline when you erase. You could have erased very carefully or outlined it with black ink and erased it after it's dry. Either way, your pichu should look something like this. I hope this tutorial was fun and entertaining. I have    

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March 29, 2009

Description: Yo, peeps, what is up. Today on you're going to learn how to draw Pichu from Pokemon. Pikachu is the evolved form of Pichu. After Pikachu, it's Richu, which I may put up if I want. They are all electric type Pokemon. Electric Pokemon are weak against ground, and are super effective on water and bird. OK, fine, I was in a Pokemon mode for about a week, then I got bored with it. Anyways, I think Pichu is the cutest type of Pokemon. This tutorial was very easy and I hope you'll find it easy, too. The background is kinda boring if you ask me. So, I hope you enjoy the tutorial. Until next time, I'll see ya.

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