How to Draw Perrie Edwards, Little Mix, Perrie Edwards


Draw the oval lightly with a No.2 or HB pencil. Make sure you draw it as seen in the picture.


Now draw in the bisecting red line to balance her facial features.


Sketch lightly the crescent red lines for hair line and head mass.


You can draw in the lines a. for eyebrows, b. for eyes, c. for nose, d. for mouth, and e. for shoulder placements.


Now draw in Perrie's eyebrows and eyes.


Observe where Perrie's features appear in relation to the guidelines. Draw in his nose, smile lines, and mouth.


Watch closely how her face outline, jawline, chin, and ears relate to the guidelines. Make sure you sketch in the earrings and portion of hair within the hoops. As you draw, you will have more accuracy.


I have separated the hair parts since you need to draw more details. On the left side facing you begin to sketch. Add those curls and curvy lines. Try staying close to the lines that represent the direction & curls of her hair. This will help as you    


Now draw in the right side. Remember the other half of her hat, necklace and t-shirt collar line. If you haven't already, you can erase your guidelines.


I made this line drawing especially for you if you don't want to do the pencil shading and blending part. Otherwise, let us continue to the pencil drawing part.


Here is the outline done with a 0.7mm mechanical pencil. Look closely and see if your lines look something like this. You can erase if certain areas like the eyes or nose don't line up. Take you kneaded eraser and dab off the shadow outlines or dark    


I didn't want to skip this. The first picture shows how to hold your pencil for Overhand (great for writing & details) and Underhand (great for shading large areas in wide strokes). You can practice tone shading and take it a step further with the To   


Here is how the tools look. I used the 0.7mm 2B mechanical pencil, 9B pencil, tissue, and the blending stump.


Best thing you can do when drawing hair is to establish the general shape then work in the main strands of hair by holding your pencil at a 45 degree angle for stroking and coverage. Then, as in the third picture, you can work in more details. But he   


GO WITH THE FLOW: Basically, you're following the direction of object's shape, that is the hair. The hair will curl around, flow from, and slick to the head. The head is like a curved ball, so the hair extends from that ball by the arrowed directions   


If you do the whole picture in a pencil sketch, this is where you would sketch in small circles or lines to shade the areas. It would take hours upon hours to cover all that area with a pencil. I chose to shade with pastels. In a few strokes I've got   


Here I used my blending stump to "draw" in more lines, add more shading to her hair, lips, and eyebrows. I smoothed out areas of her hat and T-shirt with the blending stump. For a softer blend I used tissue paper on her skin and hair.


I darkened her eyes, eyebrows, and eyelashes with my 0.7mm 2B mechanical pencil. I added hair strands and streaks with my 2B lightly. TIP: The more hair strands you add the more realistic the hair looks. But follow your reference and curves of the st   


Drawing like this is a gradual buildup. I keep sketching, blending and sketching some more. This time, I first blended the pencil sketches with my toritllon to give a smooth transition. I added more dark tones and details to her hair, face, and neck    


Here I added lots of highlights in her hair from looking at the reference picture. You can do this with white pastel, white titanium acrylic or watercolor paint. I also lightened her face and smoothed it more by blurring with my digital program. The    

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April 15, 2013

Description: This tut is focusing on the lovely and talented Perrie Edwards from Little Mix. This four-girl British group was formed for Simon Cowell's eighth season "The X Factor." They won and signed with Simon Cowell's label Syco Records and United States Columbia Records. They released their debut album, DNA, on November 19, 2012. I hope you will enjoy drawing this tutorial. Please fav, show your love, and comment. Thank you all. Peace and love to you.

#draw famous people #draw people #draw music #how to draw real people #how to draw people #how to draw celebrities

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