How to Draw People Kissing
This is my tip before you get started on your quest to drawing an anime couple kissing. The easiest way to start these steps is to draw two faces with one on top of the other and then just erase the lines of the females nose and top lip. Enlarge this
Now technically this is your first step and what you will do to start it off is draw two circles the exact same size for the heads. You will then add the face guidelines which are two dash like lines and then the line of position for their necks.
In this step you will start the sketching process of the hair style in the front and then the shaping of their faces. Once that is done you will draw out and thicken the closed eyes and draw out the front of the necks. Make sure that you curve them i
In this fourth step you will start drawing out the rest of the hair style for both the anime female and male. Once that is done you will draw out the eyebrows and then the eye lid shapes. After that sketch out the shape of his face which includes nos
Well this is your last drawing step and all you will have to do here is add the hair definition lines to their heads, and then draw out the shape of his ear. Once that is done detail their cheeks and then add a definition line under her chin. You can
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December 27, 2008
Description: Welcome everyone to another awesome drawing lesson here on Today I will be showing you how to draw anime people kissing step by step. The reason why I will be teaching you how to do this is because I was sketching some anime/manga people over the past few days and all the different poses and positions they can be in. There was this one position that I never drew before and I thought that it would make a cool tutorial because if you really think about it you can’t find this pose anywhere. That is when I drew manga people kissing. I really had a lot of fun drawing out the concept of this project and I think that they came out beautifully. The way that their lips are locking really makes it look like that these anime people are in love. I will be doing a series of different types anime people posses that I think you will all appreciate. My next tutorial for tomorrow will be on how to draw anime people hugging step by step. If there is any kind of pose that you would like to see in a tutorial involving anime/manga people, just let me know and I will fulfill your request. I have to go now and prepare myself for the next drawing lesson on the way. But for now it is time that you learn how to draw anime people kissing step by step. Have fun with this one and remember take your time and try your best. If you want, you can try out a newer lesson that I submitted that will teach you how to draw kids step by step. Try it out!