How to Draw New Moon Cover

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This is going to be very simple. Start with a circle for the ruffled tulip and then draw the stem line and bottom portion of the pedal.


You will now start sketching out the ruffled tulip pedals the way you see them here and then add some defining detail as well. Once you are done move to the next step. Take your time so that the pedal comes out nice.


You will now thicken the stem and then sketch out some more of the ruffled tulip pedal. As you can see it is coming along nicely and you will be done in no time at all. Cap off the bottom pf the flower and move to the last drawing step.


Here is your last drawing step and all you have to do now is lightly sketch in some nice shading to define and detail the ruffled tulip flower. Also sketch out a piece of pedal falling from the flower as you see here. Erase the guidelines and shapes    


Here is what your flower should look like when you are done. All you need to do now is color it in the pretty pink shade that it is. I hope you enjoyed this lesson on "how to draw New Moon cover" step by step.

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July 3, 2009

Description: It is July 4th and I want to wish you all a safe and happy 4th of July. For my first tutorial of the day I will be submitting a lesson on a picture from a book that I think a lot of you guys have read because you are fans of the past and upcoming movie. Are you ready for this next exciting tutorial? I am going to teach you “how to draw New Moon cover” from the Stephenie Meyer’s book series. The New Moon movie is due to be released in theaters in November and I have decided to go to the theater this time and catch the flick with my parents. I was going to go with a couple of friends but, since my mom is a fan, I will go with her. I watched a clip of the teaser trailer they had released for New Moon and I have to say it looks pretty dang exciting. Bella cutting her finger at her birthday party, Jasper running after her because he is attracted to her sweet smelling blood, Edward leaving Bella forever, Jacob all buffed and ready to save Bella from Laurent by turning into a wolf… I mean it all looks pretty exciting. The cover of the book has a pretty pink and white flower called a “ruffled tulip”. As you know the hand holding the apple on the cover of her first book “Twilight” had meaning to writer Stephenie Meyer. This time the publishing and marketing team chose the flower for the New Moon book cover so there is no meaning to it’s existence, except to make the book look pretty enough to buy. Anyway, I look forward to watching the movie when it is released. This weekend I will be buying the book to read before I watch the flick. I always like doing that. I did that with a number of movies including “Interview with the Vampire”, that was really good. Anyway, have fun with this tutorial on “how to draw New Moon Book” step by step. Peace out and happy 4th.

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