How to Draw Mew and Mewtwo Yin Yang
We will begin with a circle for the form of the yin yang. Once that is done include the peg like bump on the right side. This will be for Mewtwo.
Draw the dividing line to separate the two Pokemon species. The line should have some dips and rounded points. This will make up the shapes for the faces.
For the last drawing step all you have to do is detail the eyes by adding the brow, and eyeballs. Erase the mistakes to complete the lessons.
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March 8, 2014
Description: Okay, here is another yin yang design that was requested by a few people. It's on "how to draw Mew and Mewtwo yin yang", step by step. This is one of my favorites because the two Pokemon species are almost identical, the only couple things that sets them apart is their color and eye design. If you are one of the members that requested a lesson on drawing Mew and Mewtwo yin yang, here it is. Have fun with it, and don't forget to upload your drawings.