Draw out the shape of Maya's head, and then draw out the torso, and pelvic area. You will then need to sketch out the guidelines for her face, arms, and legs like so and attach the torso to the pelvic.
Okay, carefully draw out the shape of May's face structure and then begin drawing in her bangs which are also in squared chunks.
Sketch out the ears, and then add the inner detailing. You will then begin to draw out her pretty eyes and draw in her eyeballs, and color in pupils. Draw a nose, and mouth and don't forget to make the bottom lip.
Maya's hairstyle sort of looks like the sun. When you draw out her hair remember to make squared chunks as well. Draw in the markings on her face, and move to step five.
Sketch out her neck, shoulders, and arms. When that is done you can sketch out her sleeveless shirt and notice how the neck collar wrinkles. Draw the upper arm band, and move along to step six.
You are moving further and further to the end of this lesson. Sketch out the torso, and her hips and then draw out the belt that is loose fitting on her waist. Draw her utility pouch and add some detailing to it as well. Draw the Aztec buckle, and th
Now its time to finish drawing Maya. Draw out her legs, and the middle scarf that hangs between her legs. Draw the design on her buckle, and then draw out the markings on her left hip, and right thigh. Erase the lines and shapes that you drew in step
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May 26, 2011
Description: When you think of an action team you are unlikely to place a female figure in the mix. The soon to be cartoon series Redakai is going to be a hit series that is going to bring a full stack of first class action, and a bunch of cool monstrous flare. There are a total of three members of Team Sax and so far I only did two drawing lessons of them. So far you have Ky and Boomer, now it’s time to learn "how to draw Maya", step by step. She is a blue haired princess looking female character that is both incredibly smart, and talented. Her sophisticated personality and strong wits balance the other half of Ky’s skills. Her signature monster is ‘Harrier’ and one of her unique skills is the ability to sense whenever Kairu is close by. She too was a student to Master Boaddai but her arrival to Boaddai’s hands wasn’t self-brought. Instead she was found by Master Boaddai when she was left in front of his door. The only clue to who she is can only be sought after by identifying where the marking on her arm came from. Anyways, she is a really fun character to draw because she is the only one that has that strong Aztec look. I hope you like learning "how to draw Maya". That’s all I have for you guys today, be sure to come back tomorrow for more drawing fun.