How to Draw Martian Manhunter

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Draw two shapes, one for the head, and the other for the top view of his torso like so. As you can see the egg shape surrounds the circle. Next, draw in the pelvic area, and then draw in the two lines for his arms.


Begin sketching out Martian Manhunter's odd shape face. Even though his face is not conventionally shaped, you have to be sure to draw in those straight lines, and sharp corners. Next, draw the detailing line work to enhance his brows, and cheeks.


Draw out and color in those Martian like red eyes like so, and then sketch in the nose, and mouth. He also has thick lips too so. Oh yeah, add some detailing on his brow for added boldness.


You will now draw out the crowned collar of his cape, and then draw out his flowing cape as well. When this is done move to step five.


Add some detailing lines to the cape, and then draw out the two circular pins that holds down the cape to his body. When that is done, you will move to step six.


Now draw out the body which only consists of the arms, hips, and legs. Since he is n action pose, his body is going to seem a bit small.


Wow look how far you have come already. That means just go a little further so you can come out with the great hall of fame. Draw in his big hands which are spread apart, and then add some sketching detail to his body.


For the last drawing step all you have to do is finish drawing out the X on his torso, and then draw in his belt, and more jock panties. Lastly, draw in the boots and be sure to draw that folding rim. Erase the lines and shapes to clean up the drawin   


Here he is all done to your liking. Now you can go ahead and color him in. Did you guys have fun or what? Good I hope you did. Thanks guys for joining me once again.

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March 30, 2011

Description: The Justice League was formed by a handful of heroes that wanted to make a difference in peoples lives so there would be peace, and order in the world they dwelled in. Anyways, now there is a new force that is doing all the protecting, and saving and that is Young Justice. This tutorial is going to be based on one of the original founders of the Justice League and his name is John Jones. You may not recognize the name when he is referred to as such, but if you said that John Jones was Miss Martian's uncle, you would definitely know that you will be getting a lesson on "how to draw Martian Manhunter", step by step. Even though his name may sound very intimidating and scary, John is a rather docile being. It is said that he never shows any expression of emotion, and he never flies off the handle. He is a very polite, proper alien that has respect for others in the utmost manner. I am giving you guys this lesson today because someone who is a fan of the New Cartoon Network series is a big buff when it comes to any of the Young Justice characters. John Jones only has one flaw, he is super, ultra protective of his niece Miss Martian. I think that's why he didn't introduce her to the rest of the young heroes at first because he thought that they would just influence her to be someone totally different. Anyways, Instead of showing you how to draw John Jones in a full frontal stiff pose, I went ahead and made you a tutorial of Martian Manhunter in an action pose. Hopefully you enjoy this lesson as much as I did making it. Well, I guess that's it for the night. I will return tomorrow with more drawing fun so take care, and be sure to stay creative and active with your drawing.

#how to draw justice league characters #how to draw young justice #how to draw justice league

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