Now draw the outlines for his head, hair and arms, then move down to the legs and the background bush.
Now you can begin the actual work. Make a light layer with a 2B pencil over his hair and arms, where the shadows will be.
As you can see in the picture, there aren't so many realistic details on his face, so draw some shadows with a 4B pencil on his nose, forehead and neck. Then with a darker pencil draw the other details.
As you can see in the picture, there aren't so many realistic details on his face, so draw some shadows with a 4B pencil on his nose, forehead and neck. Then with a darker pencil draw the other details as I did.
Now do the same thing for his left arm and don't forget to draw more details on his jacket.(A 10B pencil is good).
Now do the same thing for his left arm and don't forget to draw more dark details on his jacket.(A 10B pencil is good).
As you can see, you'll just have to follow the reference picture and continue with shading his pants and his belt.
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August 5, 2014
Description: Here is a lesson on how to draw Mad Max depicted by Mel Gibson. There is a new Mad Max movie that is due to come out in 2015 made and directed by the same guy who did all three of the originals, George Miller. Have a go at this classic figure from the early 80's.