How to Draw Jake For Kids

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Draw Jake's nose shape like so, not his jowls, just the tip of the nose.


Next, draw the muzzle or the snout like so, then draw the line to form the top lip or mouth.


Draw and color in big thick rings attached the snout for the eyes and eyeballs. I doubt you made any mistakes but if you did erase them now.


Here is Finn's best friend and pooch. I hope you liked this super easy lesson on drawing Jake for kids. Color in the drawing and you are all done.

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September 18, 2013

Description: Wow, can you even believe that this is a tutorial right now? How hard is it to draw Jake's face from Adventure Time? Not hard at all. Jake literally has one of the easiest faces to draw from cartoons today. Jake has a face that consists of three parts; the eyes, snout and mouth. I love Jake, he is also one of my favorite comedic animated characters on Cartoon Network today. He is raw, outgoing, and loud. There is no telling what Jake will do a or say at any given moment. I know he is a magical character, but in the end he is still Finn's best friend and he is a dog, hence mans best friend. I guess that's it, I'm done. I am now going to watch 'World War Z'. I will let you know if it was any good or my opinion on the move starring Brad Pitt. Adios mi amigos.

#how to draw adventure time #draw cartoon dog
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