How to Draw Iron Man 3

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We will get right down to it. Begin by sketching out the actual shape of the head for the mask of Tony's suit. Once that is done you can begin sketching out the neck and shoulders which is made up of a series of sections. The overlapped lines should    


You will now begin drawing Iron Man's face starting with the sections from the head. Next, draw the brow sections, then draw in the eyes. Add the lining along the cheek to add some definition. Iron Man is a suit of armor which means there is going to   


Next up, we will continue with drawing Iron Man's armor until he is all finished. You will draw in the bicep part of his arm or armor. Add the detailing to the suit as well, then sketch in the shape of the torso which is not as detailed in this step    


Detail the chest armor by drawing the designing that forms that bulky look. Draw in the circle for the ARC generator ( I think that is what its called). Once that is done you can add the rest of the definition before you proceed to step five.


This is probably the easiest step you will tackle in this tutorial. All you have to do is draw out the shape of Iron Man's body or lower torso which forms the length of the upper body.


Now you will be sketching in the deep definition or layers that makes up the stomach part of the suit's armor. This should be done slowly so all the lining comes out right. You will also need to add some shapes located under or to the side of the che   


And finally, draw the rest of the arms like so and add all the detailing and definition that makes up Iron Man's suit. Erase all the mistakes when you are all done.


Here is the Mark 42 suit that Tony Stark spends fixing throughout the film. I hope you had fun drawing Iron Man 3. I will be back in a bit with some more tuts for you all.

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October 16, 2013

Description: I am trying to fill all requests even if it takes me a while to do so. I have also been looking through old e-mails and messages to find requests and tut ideas that folks have been leaving, or left me. This lesson was done based on a requests that I received through Facebook. Someone asked if I had any tutorials on the new Iron Man 3 suits and to my surprise I did not. Now since I seen Iron Man 3 almost a month ago, I realized why someone would ask for a tut on Iron Man from the third film. Tony Stark goes through the whole movie just barely wearing one of his suits. The one that you see before me now is the one that he retrieved from his work area, and it is also the one that gave him the most problems because the mechanic or fine details where not complete. Here is how to draw Iron Man 3 or the Mk42 suit that he has a tough time with and recharges in a kids garage. For those of you that have not yet seen Iron Man 3, be prepared to sit through the movie while Tony Stark spends about seventy percent of his time repairing the Mark 42. I could be wrong with the name of the suit, but I think it is the Mark 42. I will be back in a bit with more lessons for ya'll so stay tuned in. Peace out and enjoy drawing Iron Man from the 3rd movie.

#how to draw iron man characters #how to draw iron man

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