You will now draw the prominent brow for the forehead of Inky. This almost looks like a helmet lid.
Lastly, draw two large round eyes, a smile, and an adorable expression. You are done with drawing Inky.
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March 25, 2013
Description: Here is the last character from the Space Monkeys series that I will upload today. I couldn’t call it a day unless I made a tutorial on "how to draw Inky", step by step. Inky is like Flower from Bambie; Flower holds the third spot for being one of Bambi’s friends. Thumper is first. Anyways, Inky is a space octopus who has amazing drawing talent. He spends a lot of time drawing, painting or doing whatever his life has in store for the day by day. Drawing Inky is going to be both fun, and very easy. Have fun drawing Inky, and lave some feedback.