How to Draw Ice

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To draw ice cubes all you need to do is start with one, two, or three, squares depending on how much ice you want to draw. You will then draw the guidelines on the ice shapes which will later be used to turn regular shapes into blocks.


Start sketching out the first ice cube on top by drawing slightly wavy lines. As we all know, ice cubes are not perfectly square. When your piece of ice looks like the one you see here you can move to the next step.


Start sketching out the other shape of the right ice cube the same way you did the one on the top. Again try keeping the ice shapes looking uniform.


This is your last drawing step and all you need to do is draw the shape of the last ice cube that you see here. Again, for the last time keep all the ice looking uniform. Erase all the guidelines that you drew in step one.


Hey guess what? You just learned "how to draw ice step by step". See how easy that was. Great job everyone, now you can throw your newly drawn ice in a glass and pour some liquid on it.

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December 8, 2009

Description: I don't know about you guys but where I'm from it has been getting really cold. One way to show you how cold it is where I am, is teach you “how to draw ice step by step”. Ice is a form of water that has frozen over due to refrigeration, cold weather, or just plain snow. Ice comes in many forms, and it is used in many different ways. For instance, you can buy bags of ice to mix with your favorite beverages, small blocks of ice to keep stuff cold inside of coolers, you can even get huge blocks of ice to ice sculpt with. Some states and cities hold winter events during the holiday seasons where people from all over come and set up tents, booths, and eateries. Some booths entertain residents and visitors by sculpting ice with a chainsaw, and chisel. The ice that is used by ice sculpturing professionals has to be from pure clean water which forms into a clear block of ice that is durable and manageable. Ice in the form of cubes can be made by freezing water in ice cube trays and then by placing them in your refrigerators freezer. Some refrigerators have an automatic ice maker which is pretty cool because then you can get ice all of the time with out buying bags, or filling up trays. I absolutely love ice especially crushed ice that come in bits. Crushed ice is so good, that it can be eaten without floating in a beverage. Anyway drawing ice is cool, and this tutorial shows you how to draw ice cubes. But since this is a lesson on ice in general, I will leave the title as “how to draw ice”. Just talking about ice is getting me cold, and I am also jonesing for some ice to eat. I will be back later with some more drawing fun guys so try and sty tuned in. Peace out people, and try and stay warm. For those of you that don't know, jonesing is an urban word that means “in need of, or craving”. Peace people, and be sure to go "ice skating" sometime this winter.


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