How to Draw Guybrush Threepwood from Monkey Island

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Draw the shape of the head and then add the facial guidelines. Draw a beck line and then connect the lines to the shoulders and torso. You will finish the frame for Guybrush by drawing the legs.


Start the lining for his wavy hair style and then begin sketching out his rather long shaped face. This includes the nose, mouth and some of the facial features off to the left side that is somewhat hidden.


Finish the lining for his hair and then sketch out the rest of his du. You will then draw the eyebrows, eyes, and then the shape of the ear.


Now you can start sketching out the shape of the torso which includes the sleeves, collar ad necklace he wears. Draw the lines for his undershirt and then begin sketching out the right arm and hand.


Finish off the arms which includes the sleeves and then draw the left arm and hand as you see here.


Draw the bottom of his body which is the pants and then add the buttons as well on his waist. Give the shirt a little fold at the hip and then move to step seven.


This is your last drawing step and all you have to do is draw out the twiggy like calves of Guybrush. Draw pout his feet and then begin erasing all the guidelines and shapes that you drew in step one.


Your lesson on "How to Draw Guybrush Threepwood from Monkey Island' step by step is now complete. Your character should come out looking like the one you see here. Color him in and your done.

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August 14, 2009

Description: This next character that I am going to be giving you a lesson on was requested by a member. I myself have little clue as to who this video game character is because I never even heard of the game before. But I will try my best to give a brief description on the background of this next lesson. I will show you how to draw Guybrush Threepwood from Monkey Island step by step. Guybrush is a playable character in the computer video game “Monkey Island”. There is I think four game series so far and a fifth that has already been released this past June for both the PC and for the Wii. The game is from LucasArts and from what I have read it is supposed to be rather fun. The series stars a character named Guybrush and he has a goal, to one day become a pirate. His initial goal was accomplished in the first game but unfortunately he never really got to act out the life of a pirate. The four main games are called; Secret of Monkey Island, Monkey Island 2: LeChuck’s Revenge, Curse of Monkey Island, Escape from Monkey Island, and then the fifth of the series; Tales of Monkey Island. In all five games Guybrush is the playable character and quite the character he is. His description is pretty simple, he has blond hair, blue eyes, and he is anywhere between eighteen to twenty one years old. He comes from Mêlée Island and he is married to Elaine Marley. The character has pretty much kept the original appearance over the years except for the minor color changes with his clothes and the cartoony appearance he now has. The version that I will be teaching you today is from part three of the series. All in all he was a fun character to draw and I think you guys will have fun with this tutorial on “how to draw Guybrush Threepwood from Monkey Island” step by step. I shall return later with more drawing lessons so keep your pencils to the paper chiefs. Peace!


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