How to Draw Gumball

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Gumball is going to be very easy to draw. Start with a round shape for the head and then draw a thick stick like shape for the body like you see here. When that is done, add in the facial guidelines.


You will now draw out the actual shape of Gumball's head and face. When that is done, draw out the body making sure you add those two bumps.


Draw the cat ears, his big oblong shaped eyes, and then his long skinny nose and add some whisker like lines on his cheeks.


Color some eyeballs or pupils, and then draw the nose tip, mouth, and teeth or tooth. When that is done you can finish off Gumball's face by drawing out the thick eyebrows and then color them in.


Gumball's body is already drawn in. All you have to do is draw out the arms and hands which are resting on his hips, and then draw the cuffs for his sleeves, and then his shirt collar. Next, make a zipper and draw a dividing line to make two legs.


For the last step all you need to do is draw in some stripes on his sleeve cuffs, and then draw in the feet, finger and toe lines, and then his tail. Oh yeah, don't forget to draw the cuffs at the bottom of each leg. Erase the lines and shapes that y   


Here is Gumball, the new character from The Amazing World of Gumball. Color him in and you are all done with this tutorial on how to draw Gumball. Great work everyone, now you can submit your artwork to show it off.

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April 9, 2011

Description: Let me get started by adding some more lessons for you all to enjoy. I don't know when, but there is going to be another new cartoon series coming our way in May and it will be airing on Cartoon Network. The name of the series is 'The Amazing World of Gumball”. Now because this series is so brand new I don't exactly know the plot to what the series is about. I can tell you that there is a bunch of different characters that will be a part of the show, but one of the main figures is named Gumball and he is as cute as can be. He is a twelve year old cat like boy and like many boys his age, he is always looking for that next adventure. When it comes time to start something new, his schemes and ideas almost always seem to fail. What I like about Gumball, is the fact that he never gives up no matter how many times he it doesn't workout. I guess you could say that he is what you call a thickheaded kid that really believes in that age old saying, “it's not over until the fat lady sings”. Gumball is blue in color and he wears a tan colored long sleeve shirt with gray colored pants. His best friend is Darwin, and together they just keep on embarking on adventures that really never go anywhere. The show is already getting rave reviews, and if you ask me I think their right. The Amazing World of Gumball is definitely going to be the next Chowder so be sure to catch the series premiere sometime in May. Until than have fun learning "how to draw Gumball", step by step. I will be sure to submit more characters from the show as the days progress. Peace out and have fun.

#how to draw cats #how to draw the amazing world of gumball #how to draw the amazing world of gumball characters #draw cartoon cat
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