How to Draw Anais


Begin by drawing a circle for the head and then add the facial guidelines. You will then need to draw out the small shaped square body.


Draw out the shape of the head, and be sure to draw in her chubby cheek to the left.


Using the guidelines you drew in step one for the face, draw out the shapes of her eyes, and then draw in her nose. Don't forget to draw in her small eyebrows too.


Color in Anais' pupils like so, and then sketch in some eyelashes, and then draw out her mouth and nose tip.


All you have to do here is draw out her thick stubby ears, and when you are all done, move to step six.


Now draw out Anais' body which is also her dress. Give her a short neck, and then draw out her arm, and one hand on the left. Add some design to her dress as well.


For the last drawing step, all you need to do is draw out her legs, and draw in her sock lines. Erase the lines and shapes that you drew in step one to clean her up.


Here is what she looks like when you are all done. Now you can grab your coloring tools to add some color to Anais. I hope you had fun, I know you did a good job.

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April 11, 2011

Description: There is two more characters coming your way today from the very funny cartoon series airing on Cartoon Network “The Amazing World of Gumball”. To start things off on a cute note, I am going to teach you a very simple way to make Gumball’s sister Anais. She looks like her daddy, but she is definitely smarter. As far as I know Gumball, Darwin, and Anais hang together and for a little sister she knows an awful lot. It’s no secret that Anais is too young to gain any credibility, I mean who takes a four year old serious anyway? Her young stature and small frame is two things that stands in her way from anybody listening to what she has to say. Or maybe they know she’s smart but they don’t want to submit to a four year old. Who knows, one thing is certain, this tutorial on "how to draw Anais", step by step is going to be really fun and insanely easy. If you look at her real close she sort of looks like Panini from Chowder. They are both pink, they appear to be some sort of rabbit species, and they are both small in size. Have fun with this lesson and remember to put up your art when you are all done. I have more tutorials coming your way so stay tuned in to see what they are going to be. Oh yeah, don’t forget to watch The Amazing World of Gumball coming into your home in May.

#how to draw the amazing world of gumball #how to draw the amazing world of gumball characters
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