How to Draw GTA

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Start with two simple shapes, one is for the hole for the G, and the other is the center hole for the A.


Draw around the hole to make the lower case G. The lining should be super simple because you are making a series of lines to draw the first letter. Like I said, you can use a ruler if you like. When the G is done, draw in the lower case A. The A has    


Lastly, you will draw in the T also in lower case style. Notice how the T is lined up with the A and not the G. Perfect the letters, then erase the mistakes you might have made.


And that is all she wrote folks. You are done with drawing GTA, now add some thick black lining around the letters to really finish things off.

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September 20, 2013

Description: Yup, my brother is hooked. He just got the new GTA V in the mail today and began playing it immediately. After the intro and some cool cinematographic effects, he began playing GTA like he never stopped. It's actually been a while since my little brother played any of the other GTA games. He stopped playing them after he completed the story about twenty times. He just used to randomly play to use all the different cheats so he could operate the tanks, helicopters, boats, guns, guns, and more guns. Anyways, this lesson will show you "how to draw GTA", step by step in a graffiti style. The simple block style letters for Grand Theft Auto should be pretty simple to replicate. You could use a ruler if you wanted, but you will have to go back in afterwards to round off the edges and sides a bit. I had a blast drawing the GTA letters so I'm sure you will too. Adios mi amigos and if you have part V, take it easy, after all, it's just a game.

#how to draw letters #how to draw gta characters

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