How to Draw Ginny Weasley

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Make the head guide as well as the shoulder lining. When that is done you can sketch in the facial guidelines, then move to step two.


Sketch out the shape of Ginny's face, then draw in her hairline that frames her face.


Using the facial guidelines you will draw in Ginny's eyes, then sketch in her eyebrows. Add detailing to and around the eyes, then draw in her lashes.


Draw Ginny's nose, and then her mouth or lips. You will add minor detailing to the nose, then proceed to step five.


Ginny Weasley has long thick straight hair. Her hair is also parted and combed in a very neat manner. Add detailing to her hair around the scalp and ends.


Sketch in her neck, then draw in her shirt collar, tie and part of the front of her torso. Erase your mistakes when you are done.


That's it. You are all done drawing Ginny Weasley. You can choose to color her in, or leave the drawing as a sketch.

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May 30, 2013

Description: This is for all you fans out there that requested this lesson on "how to draw Ginevra Weasley", step by step. Now, I know there is a lot of Harry Potter fans out there because my mailbox has been getting bombarded with requests to do a tutorial on Ron Weasley's sister, and Harry Potter's love interest. I'm not gonna sugar coat it, I'm not familiar with this character from the Harry Potter series so giving you a genuine description on her is kind of hard for me to do. What I've told you so far about her being Ron's sister and Harry's love interest is all I really know. The only thing I can really do is help you through the task of drawing Ginny Weasley. Have fun and let me know who else you would like as a lesson.

#how to draw harry potter characters
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