How to Draw Gerald from Hey Arnold

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Drawing Gerald is pretty simple. You will first start by drawing out the framework for this animated character so you have a nice structure to work with. Start with a circle shape for his head and then add the facial guidelines. You will then draw th   


Now you can start sketching out Gerald's high afro, and then sketch out the round shape of his face. Add the outline of his ear, and then add the lump on his face for his nose.


Continue to draw out Gerald's face which includes his eyes, eyebrows, and mouth. Once that is done you can start drawing his neck, shirt collar, arms, hands, and then some of his torso shape.


Now draw the length of Gerald shirt which sort of looks like a jersey. Once that is done you can then add the numbers "33" and then start drawing out the shape of his legs.


For your last drawing step all you have to do is draw out the rest of his legs and then sketch out his high top sneakers. You have to remember, since the animated series came out back in 1996, his style is what it should be. Erase all the guidelines    


When your done, your tutorial on "how to draw Gerald from Hey Arnold", should come out looking like the one you see here. Color him in and your done!

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January 12, 2010

Description: Hey Arnold! Those are the famous two words that started every show whenever Hey Arnold came on. I said that I was going to submit my second installment of the two characters that I will be giving you lessons on today. So, Having said all that let me introduce you to this lesson on “how to draw Gerald from Hey Arnold, step by step”. His full name is “Gerald Martin Johanssen” and he is the best friend to Arnold. He kind of reminds me of one of the two guys from the hip hop band “Kid n' Play”. The guy he reminds me of is Kid. He is the one that had that wicked high squared shaped afro that he was recognized by, and popular for. Anyway, Gerald is a cool character and he is wicked funny. He has known Arnold since forever, and together they make a perfect team. One of my favorite episodes was when Arnold taught Gerald how to ride a bike. That was great. Helga is also part of the duo, although they more or less try and stay away from her because she can be real annoying. Sometimes Helga will tease Gerald by calling him “ tall hair boy”. Another consistent thing about Gerald is that he is always seen wearing a red long sleeve shirt with the numbers “33” on the front. Other than him being a cool, smart diplomat, this nine year old really knows how to win a debate. I think you Hey Arnold fans will love this lesson on “how to draw Gerald, step by step”. I will return with some more drawing fun so try and stay tuned in for an exciting day. Peace peeps and happy drawing!

#how to draw hey arnold characters

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