How to Draw Fruit for Kids

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Start by making two shapes, one for the apple and another for the orange.


Sketch out the shape of the apple in a heart form like you see here. Next, draw another shape for the orange. All you basically have to do is trace the guide shape you made in step one.


Add the stem on the apple, then draw the bundle of grapes which is laying on its side. Don't forget to add the dimple at the top of the orange, as well as the stem for the grapes.


Lastly, draw yourself the banana. This banana is going to be drawn on its side like so. Erase the mistakes then you're done.


Here is what your fruit looks like when you are all done. Now you can color everything in to bring some life to the picture.

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June 13, 2012

Description: Some more food for thought. I just submitted the lesson on drawing food in the form of a hamburger, fries, and drink. I will now show all that requested, "how to draw fruit for kids", step by step. Some of you may think that this is a boring tutorial, but I have been asked multiple times to make a lesson on some food, fruit, and even clothes that is easy enough for kids to recreate. Almost everyone knows that you can not become a member on Dragoart unless you are at least thirteen years old, but that doesn't stop the younger crowd from coming to visit us anyway. I want to make sure that everyone has something they like to draw. So here is the simple task of drawing fruit in a for kids manner. I've included an apple, banana, orange, and grapes. Overall the tut is simple which means making your own fruit will be a breeze. I have to jump out of the punch bowl because there is still a few more tuts to upload. Have fun and make sure to upload your finished works.

#draw food #draw for kids
1 - Super Cool
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