Finish the head and face shape/structure by drawing the side of the face, snout and mouth. Add detailing inside the ear and some hair on the sides.
Use the facial guidelines to draw out the big bulging eyes. When that is done draw the marking line that separates the mouth from the face. Create some crooked whiskers, teeth and the nose. Color in the eyebrows and add some crinkled eyebrow hairs.
Draw the neck and chest, then draw the arms and one hand. When that is all done you can add the clothing. Erase the mistakes and guides too.
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November 29, 2015
Description: So the next few lessons won't have very long descriptions because they are brand new and the movie they star in won't be out until 2016. Zootopia is an upcoming Disney film about a civilization based on animals. The character we will tackle is Duke Weaselton. Having said that, here is how to draw Duke Weaselton, step by step. Duke is a weasel and he is one of the main characters in the upcoming movie. I wanted to make these tuts simple for everyone to follow so enjoy.