How to Draw Christmas Trees, Christmas Trees

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Simply make two vertical lines for the two trees. As you can see one is taller or shorter than the other.


You will now draw in the first spear tipped tree top. As you can see it looks a like a small house.


Draw another layer of the tree like so, and notice how this time the length is longer.


Finish drawing out the first tree by making the last layer. Draw in the tree stump or trunk and move along.


Before you start drawing in the lights, be sure you clean up the sketch freeing it from guides and mistakes. Once that is done, draw in simple round shaped light bulbs, garland, or what have you.


Get started on the second tree by drawing the triangular shaped top, and another layer of branches or leaves.


Draw the rest of the tree like so, and then draw in the trunk. Clean up the inside of the drawing to prepare it for decorations.


I used a blanket of snow for the decorations of the second tree. I think it adds a nice touch because it's not too noisy.


When you are all done, you can color in your work and start posting the drawing on your walls, mirror, fridge, or even window. Great work people and be sure to join me again.

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November 9, 2011

Description: We are moving on now to another cold looking lesson that is also warm feeling considering. Here I will show you "how to draw Christmas trees", step by step. Some of you may not use a Christmas tree to celebrate the holidays with, and I’m sure there are plenty of you that celebrate Hanukah, and therefore, you get to celebrate for eight straight days as you open presents for a week. With my faith, I only celebrate the birth of Christ on December 25th, which means we only get a day full of gifts. For the families that decorate trees during the holiday season, here is an awesome tutorial that will show you "how to draw Christmas trees" in a very easy manner. This is also a great lesson to make cards, decorative wrapping, or even postcard drawings with. I’m sure you will enjoy the whole tree concept since I haven’t drawn trees for a while now. I will be back with more stuff for you to tackle. Peace people!

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