How to Draw Chief Lin BeiFong, Legend of Korra

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make a shape for her head like so, then sketch in the facial guidelines.


You will sketch out the very chiseled face for Lin like you see here, then draw the hair line which flares out where her ears will be drawn.


Using the facial guides, draw out her pretty eyes, nicely shaped eyebrows, then her nose, mouth or lips and ears. You will also need to draw the scar on the lower left side of the jawline like so. The lid lines or lashes should be nice and thick.


So all you have to do here is draw out the rest of her head, as well as her neatly folded hairstyle. The edges of her hair are drawn in wave like bumps and fall behind her neck. Sketch out the neck and collar for her police uniform.


All you have to do for this last drawing step is draw out the high or stiff shoulders, then draw out the rest of her upper body. You will need to draw in the uniform's stitching details as well. When all is done erase your mistakes.


Here is Chief Lin Beifong when you are all done. Now you can color her in to your liking. Great work people!

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September 21, 2012

Description: Hey everyone what's going on this fine Sunday. Well, for me I'm working on some new drawings again, and I will continue to draw probably for the rest of the day. Today I will be uploading a total of three characters from Legend of Korra, and to start let's learn "how to draw Lin Beifong", step by step. If you're looking at her last name and wondering if she is at all related to the legendary Toph, the answer is yes. Lin is actually Toph's daughter and like her mother she too is an earthbender, as well as a metalbender which is actually just a skill that is learned later. Growing up as kids she hung around with Aang's son Tenzin quite a bit and as they got older they even dated. Nowadays Lin Beifong is the chief of police for Republic City as well as the head leader to the Metalbending Police Force. The serious expression on her face comes down even thought it may seem that she is a hardcore individual that plays by the rules at all times. She is head strung just like her mother, and she is also a very skilled bender. As far as her relationship with Korra, let's just say that things started out badly. Korra was arrested and brought to chief Lin, Tenzin is actually the one that came to her aid. The story goes on as I'm sure you all know. All I want to do is show you all how to draw Lin Beifong so you have another character drawing for your Legend of Korra collection. I will be back soon so stay tuned in.

#how to draw legend of korra characters #how to draw characters from avatar

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