How to Draw Brad Buttowski

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Ok folks, you want to draw a perfect Brad Buttowski, right? Well for starters, begin with the foundation of guidelines. Nothing too fancy, nor hard, just a few guides that will even out the proportions of the face and body.


Next, let's move onto drawing the essential face shape for our character. Brad has a really oval shape near the edge of the mouth, his upper part of the head is boxy in shape. I'd recommend using a ruler for this part so you can capture that 'boxy' s   


Then, add eyes and the frown to give Brad his unique look. The hair is in a wavy spiked style. He has '5' spikes in his hair at all times. Finish off this step by drawing the body, keeping in tune with the guidelines we drew previously.


Lastly, add some finishing details. Nothing really complex to draw here folks!


This is the finale of your drawing experience! It can be really fun learning "how to draw Brad Buttowski"! Go ahead and color the figure or maybe post it on your wall. I hope you've enjoyed this fun lesson on drawing Brad! Thanks so much for viewing,   

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October 10, 2010

Description: I have been getting into a really cool show that airs on Disney XD called Kick Buttowski, and to tell you the truth, I had no idea that the series was so good. Today I will show you "how to draw Brad Buttowski, step by step, and he is the older brother and antagonist of the series. What makes him the “bad guy” is the fact he is what you call a big bully to his little brother Clarence, or as we know him Kick. Some of the things he does to Kick is call him dillweed, which is a pretty harsh thing to call your little brother. Brad is only fifteen, but that is still old enough to be in charge when their parents are not home. He’s sort of a combination of characters with shows like Fairly Odd Parents, and even the bully from Phineas and Ferb. The only thing that is odd about Brad, is his appearance. He really doesn’t look like your typical bully, he looks more like a sourpuss to tell you the truth. Anyways, since he is a thin version of a bully he is going to be really easy to draw. You should have a fun time when it comes time to draw Brad, step by step. I know all you Kick Buttowski fans will have a blast with this tutorial, just as I did making it. Adios people, and enjoy your drawing day!

#how to draw kick buttowski characters

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