How to Draw Boss Baby Easy

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1 Guidelines

Start off with the guidelines for boss baby by drawing a circle and hatched lines.

2 Face Shape

Then, go ahead and draw the head shape.

3 Hairline Shape

Next, work on his hairline!

4 Facial Features

After that, work on his facial features, starting with his eyes first.

5 Final Touches

Lastly, draw his mouth and nose!

6 Final Line Art

Once everything has been drawn, you should end up with this. Great work!

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June 9, 2020

Description: Okay everyone. I don't know about you, but I have been getting into a series on Netflix and there was actually a movie based on the character from the series before it was a series. So today I will show you how to draw Boss Baby easy, step by step. He is voiced by Alec Baldwin and I love the character. His real name is Theodore Templeton and I never realised how awesome Boss Baby was so I hope you enjoy this lesson. I will be back with more tuts in a bit so stay tuned in.

#how to draw boss baby #how to draw boss baby characters
1 - Super Cool
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