How to Draw Anonymous


Let us begin by drawing the head and torso. Be sure the head is attached to the torso as you can see here. Add the limb guide and then the small shape for the hand.


Here you will start drawing the front part of the Guy Fawkes mask which is also this figures face. Add some hair on the forehead too.


Continue to work on the face/mask by coloring in an eyebrow, then draw the eye slit. Once that is done draw the mustache which also makes the grin, then add the hair on the chin.


Sketch in more hair that falls forward on the mask. This is a person behind the mask so there is going to be hair.


The face is done. All you have to do here is sketch in the outer lining to form the hood, and jacket opening. As you can see the jacket is zippered or buttoned.


Under the jacket is a thick scarf that is worn around his neck. Once that is drawn in you can sketch out some of the torso in the form of a shirt.


Next, take your time as you sketch out the rest of the jacket. This includes the completion of the hood and torso. Sketch out the shoulder and arm using the same lining you made the hood with. When that is done you will need to add detailing or defin   


Anonymous is holding a cocktail in his hand but you can't see the whole bottle. All you can see is the top shaft of the bottle as well as the rag sticking out. Draw in some of his hand as well.


For the last drawing step, sketch out the other hand as it clutches to the torn up cloth that is he holding. The cloth in my finished image is a flag, but since I don't know what you would like to make it, I left it blank. Erase the mistakes as well    


Here is how the drawing looks when you are done. Now you can color him in and show off the work you have created.

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June 5, 2014

Description: I'm sure that many of you are familiar with the masked figure in this lesson and because I have been seeing a lot of his face all over the place. Here is my interpretation on what this masked man stands for. So let's learn "how to draw Anonymous", step by step. What is Anonymous anyway? Well, its an activist group that began in 2003. They are also known as hacktivist and their typical M.O is to publicly attack Government, religious, and corporate websites. The ones you see out in public display themselves as being unknown as they wear a Guy Fawkes mask to cover their identity hence the name 'Anonymous'. The one you see in my lesson is saddened that his country has turned to garbage after thousands and thousand of men have fought and died for freedom and one by one all our rights are getting stripped away like the flesh off a cow when butchered after they where feed, cared for and handled by the people they trusted. Anyways, I don't want to get into political views because everyone has their own opinions on that topic. For now you can enjoy this tut on drawing Anonymous and show folks who you have just created when you're done. I will be back in a bit with other fun, simple tuts.

#how to draw figures
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