How to Draw Anime Clothes

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Here is some helpful drawing tips when it comes to drawing anime clothes. All you have to do is enlarge the step, and read what good stuff it says. Read slowly, and remember this is a helpful tip to inform you on all the different types of clothes th   


Here is another helpful tip that you should read before you start this lesson. It basically describes the flow that clothes should go in when you are drawing them on your favorite anime/manga characters.


Now you will get down to the nitty gritty. First draw four different shapes for the anime clothes that you will be drawing. Once that is done add the lining to complete the shape of the guidelines.


As you can see you will start sketching out the different sleeves from different types of shirts that are out in style today. Be sure to include the lining for crease, ruffle, and folds.


Continue to sketch out the shirt sleeves for your anime clothes and then add some minor detailing and definition as you see here. The ruffled shirt needs to have fold lines added to make it look like a flared ruffled sleeve. Erase the guidelines and    


When your done your anime clothes should look like the ones you see here. Since all you did was draw sleeves, your are pretty much done here.


Now you will be drawing out the anime clothes in full shirts, pants, and skirts. Start by drawing out the guidelines and shapes to form the two mannequin torso's, and then the legs. Add the limb lines and then move to the next step.


Start sketching in the shirt collars, and sleeves for all the tops that you will be drawing. Now that your done with that, you can add the wrinkle lines, and the creases, and folds. Now you will start sketching out the skirt, and pants as you see the   


Finish sketching out the shirts, and then draw the legs on the skirt, and pants. Be sure when you draw the pants they are baggy looking and look a bit realistic.


Here you will finish drawing out the legs for the skirt, and also add the ruffles for the skirt. You will then add some detailing definition lines all over the clothes and then start erasing all the guidelines and shapes that you drew in step one.


You are now finally done with this tutorial on "how to draw anime clothes, step by step". Color them in, and use them on your anime characters.

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December 31, 2009

Description: Whenever you draw a person, whether it be a manga or anime character, you will also have to draw their clothes. I always thought that drawing clothes was a bit hard. When I was a young artist, it was hard for me to make the clothes look realistic. Instead they came out looking boxy with little or no form, which made my characters look almost horrible to a point. Let's face it, if you can't draw clothes the right way on your anime/manga characters, your drawings will not come out looking good to your liking. So, that is what this tutorial will be about. I will show you “how to draw anime clothes, step by step”. In this lesson you will not only learn to draw shirts, I will also show you how to draw skirts, pants, and sleeves. All in all the drawing is going to be very helpful for all you artists that want to improve on your skills when it comes to clothes. I actually drew out this tutorial live yesterday, and I did have some good fun. As you can see, there is clothing for boys, girls and even teens. I drew the shirts on two mannequins just to show how they would look on a real anime or manga character. Well, that just about does it for now, I will be back later with some more drawing fun. In the mean time, enjoy your New Years Eve, and have fun learning “how to draw anime clothes, step by step”. Peace peeps!

#how to draw clothes

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