How to Draw a Kimono


Step 1: Think about the pose and start by drawing a circle for the head, and then draw out the square body, lower body part.add the lines for face, arm and leg. draw the fan shape for it to hold.


Step 2: Sketch out the shape of the head, shoulder, arms and hand according the shape line on step one.


Step 3: Now start sketching out the Kimono clothing line (something you need to know before drawing the kimono= refer sample), plus something to fix the hair part , and then draw the eyes,mouth and nose . (Learn more about the Japanese kimono: for t   


Step 4: This is the last drawing step that all you need to do is draw out all the detail= hair, the kimono dress line.Erase the line and shape that you drew in the Step one to clean up your line art.


Step 5: Done!

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October 10, 2010

Description: Learn "<em><strong>how to draw a kimono</em></strong>, step by step"! Pretty colors like purples, blues, and greens make this girl shine through her pretty kimono!

#draw girls #how to draw girls #draw a girl #how to draw clothes
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