Make the shape for her head, and then draw out the hunched over torso shape for her upper body. Next, draw in the guidelines for her face, and arms, and then the legs.
The first thing you will do is draw out the thick, full eyelashes like you see here and some of the shape of her eyes. Draw out the structure of her face too.
Sketch out the soft lining of her hairstyle, and then be sure to add the eyebrows and bangs as well as her nose and mouth.
Now you will begin to draw out the large oversized bow on her head, as well as the spiked banded headphones.
Draw the ribbon pieces blowing in the breeze, and then draw in the creases and pleats in the center of the bow. You can then draw the skull design on the headphone muff, and then draw in the spikes.
Sketch out the neck, and then begin drawing out her shoulders, and skinny arms. Draw the collar bones which are faintly seen, and then draw out her busty chest.
Continue to draw out her upper body by sketching out her hands, and then draw out her back and waist. Draw in the cute bows on her wrists, and then sketch out her strapless top which ends slightly above the belly button.
Lets now sketch in her pretty widespread ruffled skirt. Start slowly, and continue until you are all done. Next, draw in the front crisscross pattern of her tourniquet style top, and then draw in some of the breast patches.
I can't believe you are almost done with this lesson already. Draw out her long legs and be sure to draw the tops to her bots as well as the heels. Once the boots are all set, sketch in the pleats to complete her dress.
Sketch out the long length of her hair and then add all the detailing to the hair by adding both light and thick strand lines. This will give her hair texture. Once that is done draw out her small but beautiful wings.
Lace up her boots carefully until they are all perfect and pretty. Add the lining that forms the soles of her boots and then draw in the heels in better detail. Erase the lines and shapes that you drew in step one.
Here you have the finished drawing of your beautiful angel girl. Now you can have even more fun as you color her in. I really did enjoy making this lesson, and now that it's a tutorial you can add your own tweaks to personalize her to your liking.
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February 21, 2017
Description: Woo! Ladies and gentleman, folks and faeries, today I've got another awesome lesson to provide with ya'll! Last night, I had a bit of free time and I so happen had an extreme urge to heighten my coloring and drawing skills for anime characters. This image and tutorial took me a few hours to complete, and I know most anime fans are obsessed with gothic emo styled characters, so I went with the flow. In this pretty lesson, we'll be learning “how to draw an anime angel girl”. Drawing angels is one of my fortes and by creating an angel that trends with the gothic style, it would make it supremely cool! Lots of the details featured on this character took so much time to render, mainly because of the coloring. I really hope my hard work pays off and you'll enjoy this fun filled lesson as much as I did. Don't forget I'm open to other anime requests, just shoot me a message and I'll try to complete it for you . I'm not sure when I can create another tutorial like this, maybe on my next relax day. Anyways, thanks for viewing, and don't forget to share your versions with me as well. If you decide to use bat wings instead of angel wings, please, let me know or show me! Have fun and good luck with your anime angel!