How to Draw a Tadpole

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Start by drawing an oval circle and then a slanted straight line.


Begin sketching out the shape of the tadpole's head like you see here and then move to the next step.


Finish drawing out the head, and then draw the middle of the body. At this point, the tadpole looks like a caveman's club.


You will now sketch out the rest of the squiggly looking body, and then an eye. Erase the lines and shapes that you drew in step one.


Now that you are done, you should have a finished drawing that looks like the one you see here. That was a fun tadpole to draw wasn't it?

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June 17, 2010

Description: I was looking through some of the lessons I have on the site in the animal section, and I saw that I never did a tutorial that teaches you "how to draw a tadpole", step by step. Tadpoles are, as you know, baby frogs. The whole process of how these little, odd creatures come to pass is pretty...normal. Like all other animals, frogs mate like any horse, dog or cat. The only differences between the two matings is frogs usually mate in the water, and they stay attached together for a few days. Once the eggs are fertilized by the male, the female frog will start laying the eggs in either a chain like fashion, or one by one. Most of the time the parenting frogs will leave the site once the eggs are laid. But there is also the species of frog that stick around to see their babies grow up. Once the eggs hatch, they are called tadpoles. These unique looking baby frogs feed on their own yolks which is in their guts still. If you look at a tadpole, you will see that these transparent beings only have a mouth, undeveloped gills, and a tail. When in this state, they are very frail and extremely vulnerable to dying either by not surviving while they swim about, or by being eaten by other animals. It takes about four weeks for the gills to grow over the skin, and eventually disappear. Anyway, no matter how you look at it, tadpoles are wicked cool looking beings, and it's amazing how they actually transform into real frogs. This lesson is going to show you "how to draw a tadpole", step by step. When you are done, be sure to upload your work so that everyone on Dragoart can rate, and comment on your drawings. I will be back later, or tomorrow with more drawing fun so stay tuned in and have an awesome drawing day!

#draw frogs #how to draw frogs #how to draw a frog
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