How to Draw a Snow Sled

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Let's begin with the shapes and guides for the boy, or girl that is having fun. Make a circle for the head, then draw a small bean like shape for the body. Sketch in the facial guidelines like so.


The next thing we will do is draw out the knitted winter hat. Add the ball at the top of the hat, then draw in the hat's lid and the boy or girls bangs peeking through.


The next thing we will do is draw out the shape of the face, then draw the eyes. Add the nose and mouth like so, then proceed to step four.


It is now time to draw little Timmy grabbing onto the sled. Draw his arms and hands which are covered by mittens, then draw the torso. The front of his body will be covered by the sled. Draw in the tail of the scarf as it flows in the breeze.


Up next you will be drawing out the simple style sled. These sleds are preferred by kids because they have a nice gliding ability, and they are durable. Yeah sure it's fun to use a plastic snow tube, but the curled front style plastic sleds are way m   


All you have to do here is draw in the striped groove lines which is on the bottom of the sled. The trimming should also be sort of thick and it should run along the side of the snow sled as well.


For the last drawing step just draw the kid's snow pants or legs which are in a folded pose followed by the boots. Add the grooved lines on the top surface of the snow sled as well, then begin cleaning up the drawing.


Here is what he looks like using the sled. Of course you can just draw the sled if you want, all you have to do is not draw the child. Color in the drawing and you're done.

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November 30, 2012

Description: There's no snow yet but when there is you know I'll be doing exactly what this kid is doing in this tutorial on "how to draw a snow sled", step by step. Christmas is not the only great thing about winter and December. Enjoying the white stuff is what being a kid is all about. When I was younger I can remember one particular day like no other. We had just gotten a bunch of snow dumped on us two days before we went sledding in a spot that had this perfect hill for sledding. The peak of the hill had enough run room to get that perfect start to going down a snow covered hill. When you go snow sledding you have to make sure that you go on the second day after a good snow fall. The snow should be packed to the ground with enough snow to also form a coshing. You know you have a good snow track when the snow is worn down without any grass or dirt peaking through. The only dirt on the snow is that from boots, sleds, and bodies. This kid looks like he too is enjoying his ideal spot for snow sledding. I hope you all have your favorite place to enjoy snow this year, but if you don't at least you can have fun drawing a snow sled as you hope, pray and wish for snow. Enjoy this lesson folks, I will be back in a few with more for you all.

#how to draw sleds

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