How to Draw a Simple Lion


Start off by drawing the basic guidelines and shapes for the lion.


Next, using the shape on the inside of the mane, you will draw out the frame of the lion's face. Remember, this lion has a big mane.


Use the facial guides to draw in the nose and mouth followed by the whisker holes.


Now you will draw the big round eyes and color in the pupils. Add the brows and a chin line.


Go ahead and draw out the ears poking out from the thick mane, and then add some detailing to the ears.


Now you can have fun with drawing the mane in a playful manner.


Finish off this simple lion to draw out the body. Start with the front legs and paws and then draw out the rest of the body as well as the tail.


Once everything is cleaned up the simple lion should look like the drawing you see here.

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July 30, 2020

Description: Hey guys. Welcome back to another fun lesson. Today I will be teaching you how to draw a simple lion, step by step. Lions are one of those animals that are kinda hard to draw, but if you have a good lesson behind the art, you should be able to draw a lion in a very simple, basic manner while having fun. I wanted to be sure that the lion in this lesson was aesthetic to a point so it seems realistic looking enough for artists to get an idea how a lion should look. So go ahead and enjoy this lion drawing tutorial and I will be back with more stuff to draw.

#how to draw lions #how to draw simple animals
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