Start with drawing the head and body guide for your fox. The head guide should be almond shaped and so should the body.
Now it's time to draw in the face. Start with the eyes. Add some lashes and then draw a nose and whiskers.
Lastly, draw a paw and then the marking line on the tip of the tail. Erase all your mistakes if you made any along with the guides.
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June 17, 2015
Description: More simple lessons coming your way. This time we will learn how to draw a simple fox, step by step. There is nothing much to this tut. It's just a fox drawn in a very simple, easy to follow manner. I love the way it came out and I know that folks who love drawing foxes will have fun with this lesson as well. As requests keep coming in, more tutorials will go up. So, have fun and be sure to let me know what else you would like to see for a tutorial on Dragoart.