How to Draw a Simple Unicorn


Make two shapes one for the head and another for the body. Sketch in the facial guidelines.


Define the shape of the unicorn's face and head shape like so.


Draw in the unicorn horn, then add some hair and stripes on the horn.


We will now draw the eyes and not fully. Once that is done make some lashes and then draw the eyebrows.


Draw the mane and finish the eyes. Add the marking on the nose and add nostrils. You will also need to draw a simple smile.


We will move away from the head and face and start drawing the body beginning with the chest and front legs.


Draw the back and hind legs and then proceed to step eight.


Finish everything off by drawing the unicorn's tail. Erase the guides and you are all done.


The line art is all done and your drawing should look like this. Add some color and show off your work.

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June 17, 2015

Description: I probably should have uploaded this lesson a whole ago, but at least it's going up now. Here is how to draw a simple unicorn, step by step. This unicorn is simple looking, pretty and cute. The best part of this unicorn tutorial is how you can color it in using any shade you like. I guess that's all I can say or have to say. I have done so many lessons on unicorns that I sort of run out of things to say. Have fun and enjoy.

#draw unicorns
1 - Super Cool
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