How to Draw a Realistic Panda, Draw Real Panda

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Here are the materials that I used: -"A big pencil": for quick shading of large areas -A mechanical pencil (.5mm): for detailing -A kneadable eraser: for erasing (?) -A tortiliion(blendy thing): for blending


Alright. Start out by outlining the main features of the panda's form. Nothing has to look perfect. You just have to make it look sort of, kind of look like a panda. TIP: This should be your lightest layer. Ease up on the lead. I used the "bi   


This next step involves outlining the forms and making them more definite. Notice that I don't darken the guide lines. I only outline the panda itself, its eyes, and so on. Also note that I fix a few mistakes that were in the previous step. I also    


* "Whoa! what just happened to the drawing?! There are scribbles ALL OVER IT!!!!" * Don't worry! This is all part of the plan! Notice that the "scribbles" are not completely hectic. All of the strokes are pretty much parallel to one another and    


Now, take your blending device and blend the dark areas. It is okay if the hatched lines still show through. **Tip: If you don't have a tortillion, use toilet paper or some sort of paper towel. Or if your hands are bone dry use a finger to blend.   


Wield your mighty kneadable eraser and start lightening the panda's "light parts." In this drawing it is mainly the face that needs to lightened. **Tip: Kneadable erasers will change your life. If you don't have one, get one!


Time to start shading things down. Note that the shading on the dark fur IS NOT parallel with the original hatching. You basically want to cross-hatch over the previous lines to make the fur darker. Also remember to darken the trademark spots around    


Here is a close up of the face. Note the strong contrast between dark and light around the panda's eyes, on the eyes themselves, on the nose, lips(?), and ears. These HAVE TO be the darkest spots on our panda's head. The realism depends on the contra   


Get that big pencil out and start putting it to use! It is time to start "engraving" the lead into the paper. Press down as hard as you can (without ripping the paper). The realism here depends on how the fur flows. Don't haphazardly scribble in the    


Here is the result of the previous step...


In this final step, use all of your tools to add detail and finalize your drawing. blend in the shadows and your background. Also, use your eraser to lighten things up where needed. **Tip: I chose to give the panda an outline. Blending this outlin   

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October 6, 2010

Description: Here is a tutorial showing how I tackled drawing a panda from a photograph. This should be handy regardless of which photo you use as reference

#draw realistic animals #how to draw realistic #draw realistic #how to draw real #draw pandas #how to sketch #sketching in pencil #how to draw pandas

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