How to Draw a Poison Apple

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Start off by drawing a round circle for the apple guide, then sketch in some guidelines on the front for the skull face.


The next thing we will do is begin drawing out the oozing poison that is thick, and dripping down the apple. Make sure to add the ripples on the sides of the apple, as well as the apple stem.


Almost done folks. You will now draw out the skeletal eyes and nose shapes like so, but when you do this, make sure that there are drips incorporated with the shapes. Add more ripples on the top, then proceed on.


Lastly, draw in the bottom part of the apple. Once this is done you can start erasing the mistakes as well as guides that you drew.


Here is how the poison apple looks when you are finished. Now you can color it in. Great work folks.

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October 19, 2012

Description: Well folks it's official, today is the 20th which means there is literally only eleven days left before we are knocking on doors and ringing doorbells asking for something good to eat. Today I will continue with the Halloween theme, but this time I have a cool zombie coming your way later on today. For now, here is a very simple, but awesome tut on "how to draw a poison apple", step by step. The design concept idea came from the poison apple that the evil Queen made in Snow White. The oozing poison that is dripping down the apple is faced like a skull because the apple has just been dipped in a toxic mix. I had a lot of fun making a poison apple, and if you love drawing Halloween related stuff, you will too. Enjoy folks and be sure to leave comments or rating on the lessons you view and or try out. Adios people!

#how to draw apples

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