How to Draw a Lynx, Lynx

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First things first, the lynx that you will draw is going to be drawn from the side view. Start with three circles with the head being the smallest. Add the face guides, and move to step two.


This is the second step and as you can see all you have to do is begin drawing out the lynx's head. Start with sketching out the ears, and then the top of the head. Next, sketch the sides of the face which should be long hair strokes and then draw in   


You will now start sketching out the body starting at the neck, and then draw in the hairy chest or front part of the neck. Continue the lining all the way down the back, and then sketch out the tail. Draw one of the front legs, and make sure to also   


You will now draw out the long back leg and paw like so, and then sketch out the hairy lined portion of the belly. Sketch the other leg, and then move to step five.


Okay, sketch out the other hind leg, and then draw in the back paw, and toes too. Be sure to sketch the detailing to the back of leg like so, and then proceed to step six.


These arrows just show how the hair should flow all over the body. As you can see the hair is flowing in all sorts of directions.


For the last step, draw in the spots all over the body like you see here, and then color in a dark tip at the end of the lynx's tail. Erase the lines and shapes before you draw in the spots and then move along to see what the drawing looks like.


Now that the drawing is done, the completed lynx should look like the one you see before you. I hope you learned something new with this lesson on how to draw a lynx.

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July 27, 2011

Description: Instead of submitting a lesson on a chibi Pokémon or an animal for kids, I thought that making a tutorial on an animal species that I haven’t done yet would be cool to see, and learn from. Up next is a tutorial on "how to draw a lynx", step by step. This species of wildcat is sometimes confused with the Bobcat and that may very well be because they both come from the same family. In fact, bobcats are one of the smallest versions of Lynx, along with the Canada lynx. These cats are known for their remarkable features and their thick hearty bodies. They have small or short tails, and their ears have these long strands of black colored tufts that stand erect right at the tip. One of the cool things about the lynx is how they have these beards that seem to resemble a lion’s mane. Almost all forms of the lynx cat have brown to gold colored coats with dark colored spots scattered around the body. Another characteristic of the lynx is the white fur that spreads from the chin, chest, belly, and on the insides of their front legs and thighs. They have large paws and are heavily padded to deal with the everyday winter weather as they have to walk almost all the time on snow covered surfaces. When you think of a lynx a question that often arises is the curiosity as to how big these animals are. A good way to compare their size is to know the types of climates they come from. For instance, the Eurasian lynx is the largest species of lynx but the Canada lynx have much longer limbs and heartier bodies. The paws on a Canada lynx are very big, soft, and padded. The Eurasian lynx have slender bodies because their hair or coat is not as dense as the Canada lynx. This is due to different climates that these animals live in. When drawing a lynx you can be sure that it will be a challenge. This is because you will have to draw the highly detailed faces, and the bodies that are filled with detail and design. I figured out a way to show you "how to draw a lynx", in a very simple way that almost anyone can tackle. That’s all I have to say for this lesson, I will be back with another in a few. Adios and peace out!

#how to draw wildcats

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