How to Draw a Haunted House For Kids

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For your first drawing step all you have to do is draw a shape that looks a lot like the tip of a fountain pen. The front of the house should have a pointed tip and sunken in sides like you see here.


Next, draw two smaller shapes which are rooms off to the sides of the haunted house. There are roofs on each smaller structure like you see and they are both attached to the mid section of the house.


You will now draw in the overhang from the roof like you see here. Notice how the roof for the haunted house stays very sharp, and defined. Draw in the crooked door like so, then move to step four.


Here you will draw in the windows, and when you do this make sure to draw them in a very aloof manner. Add the roofing shingles, then sketch in the old wood detailing to the haunted house. Erase the mistakes.


When you are all done this is how your drawing looks. Now you can have fun coloring it in, or you can add some trees first before you do so.

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October 8, 2012

Description: Hello everyone, how is the day going for ya'll so far? Well, here is a really fun, easy and cool tutorial that will show you guys "how to draw a haunted house for kids", step by step. In creating this haunted house I really wanted to capture the creepiness while keeping the design concept simple to replicate at the same time. Making drawings in a 'for kids' fashion is always fun because I get to have a lot of fun making objects, animals, people, and other things the way I like, and easy enough for others to enjoy too. So this Halloween season you will be getting a wide variety of lesson when you want to draw Halloween stuff. Tackle this lesson on drawing a haunted house for kids, and see what you can add to the design to make it yours. Adios people and enjoy!

#how to draw houses

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