How to Draw a Cool Anime Girl

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Let us begin by drawing the three sections to create the body framework. This includes the head, torso, and hip guide shapes. Once that is done sketch in the facial guidelines, and arm guideline.


We will now define the shape of her face like so, then draw in her messy style hair. You can choose to go with any hairstyle you wish, I wanted a short look.


We will now draw out the shapes of her eyes which should be drawn in to have an intense stare. Add lashes and eyebrows, as well as some shading.


Finish the face by drawing the nose, mouth and color in eyeballs like so. Take your time, don't rush.


Are you ready to draw her body next? Well, begin by sketching out the shape of her neck. Her torso is twisted to one side more then the other so you will have to draw the shoulders, chest and right arm. This is a shapely anime female so if you don't    


Finish the body by sketching the shapes of her wide hips and thighs, then add a belly button, and crease lines on the tops of each thigh. Also, there is a hint of her left arm as you can see.


We will now cover her body with tribal tattoo markings. I love the markings I made, but you can choose to go with your own tribal design. Erase your mistakes if you made any as well as all the guidelines/shapes.


Here is your cool anime girl when you are all done. Now you can color her in or leave this chic black and white.

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August 10, 2017

Description: So you want another cool lesson on an anime figure huh? Well, how about a female figure this time who is dressed with tribal tattoos on her body in a sleek, tasteful manner. Today, I will start the tut day by showing you all how to draw a cool anime girl, step by step. If you look at her face closely, I colored in her eyes blue and green. I love how she came out and I really love the tribal markings on her torso and on the sides of her thighs. Drawing poses like this is always something I enjoy doing because I can make the characters look so dramatic. Believe it or not, but this anime girl is going to be relatively easy to replicate so don't fret about complexity. Sit back, grab your drawing tool and begin tackling this lesson on drawing a cool anime girl. I shall return with much more lessons coming your way so stay tuned in.

#how to draw anime girls

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