How to Draw a Cartoon Gun

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The first thing you need to do when learning how to draw a cartoon weapon is first draw an egg shape and then add the guidelines for the magazine. Next draw a curled line for the butt of the gun and then draw three horizontal lines for the barrel of    


You will now start sketching out the shape and style of the magazine and structure of the cartoon gun. When that is done you will need to add the little aiming notch at the tip of the barrel and then move to the next step.


Add more detail and definition to the magazine and then sketch out the trigger as you see here.


This is your final step and what you need to do now is fin9ish drawing out the handle or butt of the cartoon gun and then detail the design with some screw holes. Erase all the guidelines and shapes that you drew in step one and then move to the fina   


This is how your cartoon weapon should look when you are done. Color it in and you have just learned "how to draw a cartoon gun" step by step.

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July 14, 2009

Description: Well this tutorial may look very familiar to you all and if it does it’s probably because I already submitted this lesson earlier today. The reason why it is no longer on the site, is because some wacky thing happened and some of my tutorials as well as others got erased. I want to say that for those of you that had a tutorial submitted on the front page and now you notice it gone, please just resubmit it again and the administrator will approve it for you. Like I said in the original description, drawing cartoon objects is so fun and when you draw guns its even better. Whenever you draw a cartoon gun you can let your imagination go free, the gun can have a rocket launcher on it, have a special barrel with a powerful scope on the end of it, and I think you get the point. Anyways this tutorial will show you how easy it is to learn "how to draw a cartoon gun" step by step. I think you will find the steps easy to follow enabling you to complete this lesson with total ease. I will leave you all to this tutorial but I shall return in a bit with more drawing fun so stay tuned for more.

#how to draw a gun #draw guns #how to draw guns #draw a handgun

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