How to Draw an Assault Rifle

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Okay with this first step you will start drawing out the guidelines for the rifle which will eventually form a frame for the entire gun. There is a total of four vertical lines from top to bottom and those are what you will draw out first. You will t   


You have made it to step two and if you've come this far you are going all the way. Start this step by drawing out more detailing lines starting with the scope. All you will do is draw a rectangular shape. Next move down to the butt of the gun and st   


Welcome to your last drawing step. How do you feel, relieved right? All you will do here is first erase some of the visible guidelines that you drew in step one. You will then draw out all the detailing on the rifle like the rubber around the eye sco   


Once you are done your sketch should come out looking like the one you see here. All you have to do next is color it in and pin it on your wall. I hope you enjoyed this tutorial on how to draw an XM-29 Assault Rifle step by step. I really had fun wit   

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November 18, 2008

Description: Hello everyone welcome back to another fun filled drawing tutorial here on Yesterday was a busy day because I wanted to do tutorials on some really cool stuff. I decided that it was time to do another drawing lesson on a weapon, but this time the weapon I am going to show you how to draw is a gun called the XM-29 OICW. The abbreviation of OICW is short for “Objective Individual Combat Weapon” and these guns were considered assault rifles with an integrated removable grenade launcher. This is a super cool rifle that was introduced in 1995 and it was a proposed weapon to replace the M-16 in an attempt to retire the old weapon that has been in use since the 1960’s. The XM-29 was developed by a company called Alliant Techsystems/Heckler & Koch. The main feature to this newly designed piece of machinery was the combination of a lightweight 5.56mm assault rifle joined with a 20mm six round grenade launcher. The newly designed rifle looked almost exactly like the German HK G36. The XM-29 used 5.56x45mm ammunition from a thirty round boxed magazine. But that’s not all; the rifle also had a top-mounted computer-assisted scope system with laser rangefinder, thermal vision, and night vision capabilities. This legendary weapon had all the glitz and glamor that you could ask for in any kind of machinery. Unfortunately the development of the XM-29 didn’t last too long and all initial proposals for the assault rifle halted. In October 2005 all proposals where ended. But still this weapon will always be mentioned once in a while in Gun & Ammo Magazine. I chose this gun to sketch out because it looks so cool and because it featured a 20mm airburst round action. I did the best I could using a photo as a reference guide. The hardest part was the coloring of the gun because I was really trying to make it look like metal just like other rifles and hand guns. This tutorial will show you "how to draw an assault rifle" step by step. I tried making the tutorial steps simple to follow and as always the instructions are easy to read. I know you will have fun with this online drawing lesson because it was a fun challenge for me. I will be back on in a bit with four more tutorials for you all so stick around gang there is more on the way.

#draw guns #draw rifles #how to draw rifles #draw a rifle
1 - Super Cool
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