How to Draw a Bat, Step by Step
Up next, use the guides to draw in the bat's face including the huge ears. Detail the bat ears and draw in the fluff around the face.
Sketch in the fluff on the chest and then begin to draw the bat's body. Start with the torso and then work on the right bat wing and arm. Add the detailing to the skin or tissue of the bat wing too.
Up next, begin drawing the left wing for the bat's body. You will also need to draw the arm and hand too. When you have done all the work to the wing, draw the butt and leg. Add the skin detailing to the tissue on the wing.
For the last drawing step folks you will need to draw the other leg and foot. Add detailing where detailing is due, then erase all your mistakes.
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September 17, 2016
Description: Happy early Halloween Everyberdy! I drew a bat for halloween. Not the best but good enough *v^ ! hope you like this tutorial for the day!