How to Draw a Baby Penguin

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Well this lesson only has a total of four steps. You will begin this first step by drawing a medium sized circle for the head and then add the facial guidelines. Next draw the inner circle for the belly and then the fin like wing lines.


You will now start drawing out the outline for the penguins face starting with the eye circles and then the cute puffy cheeks. Next, draw out the shape of the belly and legs as well as his cute little three toed web feet. See, so far you are doing gr   


Well you have come to your last drawing step and all you have to do now is draw two circles for the eyes and then color them in leaving behind three white spots to make the glare in the eyes. Next draw the front view of the baby penguin’s beak and    


This was a fun drawing lesson wasn't it? I hope you liked learning how to draw a baby penguin step by step; I enjoyed working with you along the way to completion. Once you are done all you have to do is color in your baby penguin and you are done.

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March 30, 2009

Description: I’ve been having a lot of fun drawing different kinds of anime cartoon animals. Yesterday when I was drawing live, some members requested that I do a tutorial on "how to draw a baby penguin", step by step. So of course I have to listen to what the audience wants, and therefore I drew the cute penguin live. That was a fun drawing day because the baby animal came out looking so cuddly and cute. The whole time I was drawing out the little guy, I was thinking of one of my favorite penguins from that movie we all loved to watch a couple years ago. I’ll give you a hint; he can’t carry a tune, he has a dad named Memphis and a mom named Norma Jean. Give up? Well if you guessed Mumble form the movie Happy Feet you guessed right. Mumble was such an addictive character because of all the tapping/dancing he did in the movie. Now because Mumble couldn’t sing his feet did all the singing for him. The voice cast was great and till this day I can watch the movie with no problem at all. When learning how to draw a baby penguin step by step, you can think about the very character that is just as adorable as Mumble. When you are done drawing out your little guy, you can add some cute little accessories if you like, maybe a scarf, hat or even an ice cream cone. I will be back again so stay tuned for more upcoming drawing lessons on the way.

#draw penguins #how to draw penguins #how to draw a penguin #draw a penguin #how to draw baby animals

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