Gary Prince, How to Draw


Draw out the guidelines and shapes for Gary.


Here you will draw out the shape of his face, neck and ears.


Next, work on one side to draw out his hairstyle, and torso in the form of his blazer.


You will do the same thing you just did in step three, by working on the hair, body and clothing.


Next, finish Gary off by drawing in his eyes, mouth and brows as well as the rest of the body in the form of his jacket and shirt. When you are done you can erase the mistakes and guides.


That's it. Your line art should look like the drawing you see here. Now all you have to do is color Gary Prince in.

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January 30, 2024

Description: Hello everyone. Welcome back to another fun, easy lesson. Today I will keep the momentum going and upload two characters from the new Adventure Time series, Fionna and Cake. Here is how to draw Gary Prince, step by step. Gary is a very easy character to recreate so I do hope you enjoy it. Stick around or come back around to see who I upload next. Remember to comment, like, love, fav and SHARE!

#how to draw adventure time characters #how to draw fionna and cake characters #gary prince fanart #gary prince drawing #gary prince drawings #gary prince art
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