Drawing a Zombie Anime Style


The first thing we need to do is draw the guides and shapes for your zombie being in anime form. This just includes the head, shoulders and arms.


Up next, draw the actual shape of the head and then with that, draw in the structure lining for the right side of the face. We will also add the hair too or some of it.


Hey guys, for this next step we will focus on the face. Start with drawing the bony brow structure and when you do this make sure that you form a pocket like indent for the eyes. Sketch out the shapes of the eyes, then draw in the nasal cavity. Add t   


Draw the rest of the face shape which is in the form of a full beard. When that is done draw in the mouth and then draw the teeth. Add definition sketched in the beard.


We will draw the strangely hairstyle which is straight, limp and long.


We will focus on the body next. Draw the shoulders and then his arms and hands. You can see the body is bony and decrepit. Add detailing to the torso and limbs.


For the last drawing step all you have to do here is draw the remaining arm and hand. Once that is complete sketch in the rest of the surface detailing which is the rotting skin, and flesh flaws. Add two more pieces of hair falling down the forehead.   


That's it, here is the line art now that you are done. Color in your anime zombie and show folks what you created.

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June 16, 2016

Description: Hey guys, welcome to another fun filled tutorial day here on Dragoart.com. Before I start this lesson I just want to say one thing, I really wish other artists would upload tutorials because it would be nice to see art and lessons from folks who have a different drawing style then I do. I know there are a bunch of talented and creative artist out there because I see your artwork that gets uploaded everyday. Besides, I love looking at other peoples works and I'm sure visitors and members who come to Dragoart would love to see a variety of lessons. Anyways, here is my take on drawing an anime style zombie. Of all the zombies I have drawn, I do believe this is my ultimate favorite one. To me it looks traditional and has that scar factor that good zombie art should have. Anyways, have fun with it folks and remember to leave some feedback and UPLOAD SOME TUTS! Adios amigos.

#draw anime #draw zombies
1 - Super Cool
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