How to Sketch Hands

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Here are several hands I've previously sketched to provide you a general idea. It's best to take a glimpse of your hand to get ideas for poses. Hand poses vary on the type of character, emotion, and characteristics that persuade your character(s). It   


Here are two types of fingers to portray the male and female hands. In real life, male hands/fingers are more boxed and thicker. Men have stronger and work efficient bones than females do. Flip-sided, the female hand/fingers are thinner and more femi   


There's several ways to draw the wrinkles that lay in the joints of fingers. You can spot these wrinkles at the three joints of your finger(s). Experiment and let the sketchiness mash with you.


Here's an example of female hands; they are noticeably thin and less detailed compared to that of a man's hand. These would look great with cute and spontaneous characters, or just simple strange/silent girls. (I know that her face is quite scary xD)


This is totally my favorite sketch; I love characters with large torsos and thinner lower bodies. For some reason, it makes characters seem like a cobra, poisonous and cunning. Observe on how the hands are used effectively with this figure. See how t   


Alright, before we move onto drawing the actual hands, we must draw the basic foundation for them which is important. The hand is made up of a box for the palm/fingers and a large portion for the thumb, completing the palm.


Then, we draw the spurts of fingers and wrists. The wrist has a 'ulna' which is basically a protruding bump at the left/right side of the wrist. This is seen on all genders/sizes of people.


Lastly, we finish off the fingers and extra detailing to the hands. Adding finger nails, joint creases, and hints of the bones.


With additional shading and touch ups, you should have something resulting with this. Remember, take your time and practice practice practice! It takes lots of patience and can be tedious work. Thanks for viewing my tutorial and I hope you've learned   

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January 12, 2018

Description: Hey guys, it's really early where I live which is good because now I'll be giving you a guide on “sketching hands”, step by step. I worked on this lesson for about five hours due to frequent breaks that robbed my time. The hands I present to you in this tutorial are hands I can only create on paper; I have no idea why I can't really recreate hands on tablet, I think it has to do with having a better mind function and the ease on the eyes as you draw a composistion of drawings. The hands were quickly sketched, using refrences of my own ocassionly. The style of the hands you see are in a box-like format which is probably an easier way to draw them instead of trying to make them pointed. Learning “how to sketch hands”, can be very useful as you increasingly learn your craft on paper. Working traditionally is usually best because of the advanced outlook you percieve. It's best to sketch ideas down quickly, as shots can fleet before you can envision it on paper. I would recommend to use a regular pencil, if you have a sketch pencil set, use a 2H pencil for the rough lines. It's suggested to avoid pressing hard on your paper as it can leave invisible marks. Anyways, I'm pretty sure that this tutorial will give you a few tips and hints to “sketch hands” easier. Let's move onto the lesson now!

#draw hands #how to draw hands #how to sketch #how to draw realistic hands #how to draw a realistic hand #sketching in pencil #art sketches for beginners

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