so, these are the materials you need for this. Half a piece of paper, a pocket knife, a black crayon, more colorful crayons,and a stick.
Next, you will start to sharpen the stick. NEVER CARVE TOWARDS YOURSELF! Always make sure no one is within an arms length of you. If you are wondering what I mean, stand up and hold your arm out, and turn in a circle. No one should be in that circle,
Now that you have sharpened a stick, begin coloring your paper. Make sure the colors are dark, because than they will look cooler. Make sure no white is showing. It does not matter what colors you use.
Next, begin coloring the black. This is why I said half a paper, because the black has to be really dark.
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March 28, 2014
Description: I had a blast with this tutorial! It is my first, and I want to give credit to my art teacher for this. Anyway, this is a tutorial on how to make stenciling art, and all you need is: Pocket knife, black crayon, many more crayons (it doesn't matter what color they are), a stick, and some paper. I recommend only half a sheet of paper, otherwise, your arm will hurt. I hope you all like this tutorial!