How to Draw Winnie The Pooh
In this first step you will be drawing the guidelines and shapes to form a good solid frame of Winnie the Pooh. Start by drawing out the shape of Winnie's head with facial guidelines drawn in. Next draw out the stuffed bears big round tummy where he
In this next step you will be drawing the top line to close of Winnie the Poohs head and shade in two small dots for his eyes. Now after that is complete draw the bottom lining for his shirt and then the shape of his arms as shown above. Next draw ou
This is the last step where you will have to be drawing anything out. So what you want to do next is draw out Poohs ears and eyebrows, then draw his cute button nose. Give him two creases around his mouth line and a little line for the chin. Next dra
Ok, this is the last step so do an excellent job! You will start to shape out Winnie's large stomach and his teddy bear-like legs. Don't forgot to add in his left arm that's hidden behind his stomach. When I did this tutorial, I thought it was the ea
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April 27, 2008
Description: Deep in the hundred acre wood where Christopher Robin plays ... A donkey named Eeyore is his friend... and Kanga and little Roo. There's Rabbit and Piglet and there's Owl, but most of all. Winnie the Pooh... Winnie the Pooh... Tubby little cubby all stuffed with fluff. He's Winnie the Pooh...Winnie the Pooh... Willy nilly silly old bear. I remember that song like it was yesterday. Winnie the Pooh was by far one of my favorited characters to watch as a kid and now today I am going to show you all how to draw Winnie the Pooh. This stuffed bear has a long history beginning with his name and ending with his show. As we all know he has several friends that live in the Hundred Acre Wood with him and they are all close friends, almost like family. Winnie the Pooh is the brownish tan bear with a short red shirt. His signature pose always shows him holding a pot of honey on one side and a soaked hand of honey on the other. He often takes trips into the woods to climb up a tree to find honey inside beehives. He lives alone and gets visits almost daily by his good friend who happens to be a human, Christopher Robin. The story about how Winnie was created is an interesting one; first the name Winnie came from a World War I Canadian soldier that bought a black bear cub off a fella for a total of $20.00. He then in turn named the cub Winnipeg or “Winnie” for short. The black bear cub soon became the mascot for the Canadian Brigade and traveled to Britain with the all as well. Soon after the soldier was promoted to Captain, he turned the bear over to the London Zoo in 1919 were Winnipeg became the main attraction until his death in 1934. There was an individual that loved this bear and his name was Christopher Robin. He was the son of famous author A.A. Milne and he is the one that started writing stories of Winnie the Pooh which included his son Christopher Robin and all of Pooh’s friends. The 100 Acre Wood was based on the country setting that Milne lived on called Ashdown Forest in Sussex. The first Winnie the Pooh book was published in 1926 with the two most popular being “The House at Pooh Corner” and “Now We are Six”. Later over years Walt Disney’s daughter took a strong liking to the stuffed bear series, this inspired him to make an animated film that hit theaters in 1977 called “The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh”. This tutorial is going to show you how to draw Winnie the Pooh step by step with easy to follow instructions. I know you will have fun with this tutorial because I did. Have fun ya’ll.