How to Draw Volcom

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Drawing the Volcom rock is going to be fairly easy. Start by drawing a triangle shape and then turn the triangle into a spear tip shape. Add the guidelines directly in the middle of the rock and move to the next step.


You will now start thickening the lining on the left side of the Volcom rock as you see here and then draw the grooved lines which will make the shape look three dimensional.


Repeat the same process from step two, onto step three as you see here. The shapes and lines should be just about even, or a little off. Once you have accomplished this feat, you can move to the last drawing step.


All you have to do here is draw out the lining on the right side now to add some thickness to the shape of the Volcom rock. Once that is complete you can start erasing all the guidelines and shapes that you drew in step one.


Now that you are done, you can see that learning "how to draw Volcom" was pretty dang easy. Color it in and use it on your next fashion design.

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December 25, 2009

Description: This is going to be a really cool tutorial to learn from because I will show you "how to draw Volcom, step by step”. The word “Volcom” comes from a California based clothing company from Costa Mesa. It is a brand that was founded back in 1991 when the art or skill of skateboarding, surfing, and snowboarding started to really take off. The clothing line was started by two men, Richard Woolcott or “Wooly”, and Tucker Hall or better known as “T-Dawg”. The two gents are not only clothing line founders, they are also their own best customers. They both have experience in the three sports that I mentioned, and because of that they wanted to developed a line that caters to only athletes that perform one of the three “S's”, surf, skateboard, or snowboard. The spear shaped tip that the company uses is actually a stone which is supposed to represent the speech or opinion of young athletes, “Youth Against Establishments”. The Volcom clothing line consists of t-shirts, hats, wallets, belts, sweatshirts, knit shirts, and of course board-shorts. I'm sure if you are an avid skateboarder, surfer, or snowboarder, you are very familiar with the Volcom company and their clothing line. I found the drawing to be very easy because it is basically a triangle shaped tip with some grooved lines. I think you will find that learning "how to draw the Volcom logo", is easy, fun, and creative. You can even draw a t-shirt, skateboard, or surfboard with the awesome Volcom label on it. I will be back in a few with more drawings and or tutorials on the way. In the mean time have fun, and happy drawing.


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